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Winter Solstice 2020

Happy “Holly Days”

My “pandemic pup”, Holly turned a year old in November.  She is a delightful happy soul, not yet well trained but she is good at cuddling.   We picked her up from family March 8, right before lockdown.  She offers unconditional love and acceptance to her family and friends.  She has provided me with challenges and acceptance in a year we will never forget.

As we prepare for the winter solstice and the return of the light we ask ourselves “what do we do to prepare for the winter?” What have we learned from the dark and going inward at new moon? What are the blessings of this year filled with loss and challenges?  What do we want the new year to feel like? How do I embody the Way, the Truth and the Light?

One idea being: promote kindness, shine my Light into the world, care for family and friends, practice selfcare and listen to the Divine guidance flowing through me. May we all give and receive the gifts of this Winter Solstice, Christmas and Hanukkah.

May you be strong enough to fight the virus if it comes to your door.May the sunrise delight you everyday.May the dark of the longest night refresh you deeply as you dream your next vision.May the return of the light begin to shine brightly through you and into the world as we turn the wheel on Winter Solstice.May the birds find enough seeds,May we make strides in the new year to reduce our carbon emissions.May we find new ways to offer love to our fellow citizens of the planet.May the world vibrate on a higher frequency of LOVE (not 5G) Many Blessings for happy, holy, days of the return to the light and sweet dreams for the winter that offer you time to dream and create.Welcome Yule! 

Green Comfort CoVID-19 Policies:

  • Small groups 10 -12 folks in class at a time
  • Outdoor seating arranged for physical distance and flow
  • Cleaning and Sanitizing frequently and thoroughly between groups
  • Air quality and movement of air, fans, ionizer….
  • Hydrosols and Aromatherapy diffusers to reduce spread of any microbes
  • Masks and Gloves available for medicine making labs and food preparation
  • Outdoor sink for extra hand washing station.
  • Bathroom paper towels and cleaning supplies to clean touched surfaces by each guest.