Foundations of Medicinal Herbalism
by David Hoffmann will continue to inform our journey into the foundation of western herbalism as a textbook. Each chapter corresponds to a body system being covered in the month. Green Comfort’s curriculum complements the textbook as we follow our syllabus and read the corresponding chapters in depth before the lecture. Teresa has prerecorded the classes that you will have access to. We will begin each class with an introduction to the Anatomy and Physiology (A & P) of a body system. Then we discuss the Materia Medica specific to the system and the plants which have the herbal actions, energetics and nutrients to establish balance in that system.
Plants, their Phyto-chemicals and actions are the main focus of Foundations. During the 12 month exploration we will cover well over 200 herbs. You will learn how herbs can nourish and balance the body, mind and spirit within a holistic model. Through multiple sources, that you will have access to, we will explore the plants which are most available, sustainable and effective to work into teas, tinctures, syrups, salves and glycerites for remedies to common ailments.
Our goal for you, as community herbalists, is to have a working knowledge of 150 plants. And you will.
Understanding clinical applications and uses of medicinal herbs will enable you to apply this knowledge. Students will practice writing protocols for each system which will be submitted to Teresa for feedback during the month. This practice is to help us use the left-brain approach to recommendations when friends ask and needs arise.
Nutrition and dietary education is a vital component of this holistic curriculum. We cover basic nutrition associated with comprehensive health including whole foods and phytonutrients.
Foundations of Medicinal Herbalism enables each individual to build a functional holistic herbal medicine model to guide their continued education. Including some energetics and constitutional remedies will empower students to personalize recommendations for family and friends. It is a natural progression to be recognized as the herbalist in the community once you begin to integrate this course into your everyday life.
Free Mentorship Orientation with Teresa: 30 minute personal zoom to explore your vision of how herbal medicine will integrate into your life, health and perhaps work. What is your relationship to plants? What are you called to do?
Schedule through email; acuity scheduler
Course Offerings:
12 months, 12 video recordings, Plant PowerPoints and 12 Zoom classes and Green Comfort Foundation’s curriculum. 1 year, 200 hours.
Lesson 1: Introduction to Foundations of Medicinal Herbalism
Western Herbal Holistic Model
Herbal Actions & Phyto-chemistry
Lesson 2: Immune System
Lymphatic System
Lesson 3: Digestive System
Lesson 4: Respiratory System
Lesson 5: Nervous System
Lesson 6: Cardiovascular System
Lesson 7: Endocrine System
Lesson 8: Reproductive System
Lesson 9: Muscle Skeletal System
Lesson 10: Integumentary (skin) System
Lesson 11: Urinary System