Teresa Boardwine, RH (AHG)
Founder of Green Comfort School of Herbal Medicine
Teresa is a dynamic teacher on health and wellness. Her approach is professional, warm and down to earth. She has been teaching how to use plants as medicine for over 30 years and graduated hundreds of herbal students into the field of community herbalist. Holding classes in the Green Comfort yurt has been her love and joy for over 30 years now in Rappahannock County, Virginia. As a Blue Ridge native she found home here, between towns of Sperryville and “little” Washington. Her teachings are based in Western herbalism with years of energetics, ayurveda and TCM woven into her modality. It is in connecting people to plants where she sees the lightbulb go off. This is human’s first medicine and our bodies understand the phytochemicals and nutrients they provide to help establish health, support organ systems, increase resistance to stress and fortify an immune system. Plant medicine can balance, tonic, nourish and support the whole person as well as offer some pretty important in her teaching she strives to represent the plants to people stories and facts, using many resources and research. This leads to an integrative learning environment where you meet the plants, eat real plant based meals, make teas and other plant recipes as well as write protocols for health concerns. The goal is to empower people to take care of themselves holistically, utilizing the foods and plants to achieve optimal health and wellbeing.
Down by the river
walking Rockmills river trail is always on the agenda
Kat Maier, Erika Galentin and Teresa held a Beltane weekend Medicine of Place workshop at the United Plant Savers Botanical Sanctuary in Ohio.